The Curatorium is an assembly of ministers of the Word that has the unique governance task of providing, overseeing and supervising the training of ministers of the Word. It manages the concerns of the Theological School by inter alia appointing professors to subject fields, caring for acting and retired professors; conducting input and quality control of study guides and learning plans; administrating the admission and termination of students; setting examinations for student sermons; and awarding candidate certificates as well as bursaries from the Fund for Theological Students.
Each regional synod elects, the year preceding the general synod, three curators (four by Regional Synod North West) and alternates for a term of three years, which is known as the Broad Curatorium. The Broad Curatorium calls and appoints professors to the Theological School and exercise discipline over them. Dr. Douw Breed is the chairman of the Curatorium at present.
The Rector of the TSP is prof Henk Stoker, Prof. Francois Viljoen the Vice-rector Academic Affairs and prof Francois Muller the Vice-rector Student Affairs.
The Senate consists of all the theological professors of the Theological School, called by the Curatorium; the Registrar of the TSP; the Rector of the North-West University (Potchefstroom campus) or his/her alternate, representing the NWU; a curator (usually the chairman); and one of the ministers of the Word of the Gereformeerde Kerke in Potchefstroom that has been appointed by the Curatorium for a term of three years.
The Senate executes the decisions of the Curatorium and report back on the activities of the professors as well as supervise the teaching and life of the professors; training and examination of students and termination of studies.
All the professors are also affiliated with the NWU and have proven, over the past couple of decades, to be of the best and most productive researchers at the NWU. They actively participate in theological societies and work communities, both on national and international level, which has made the TSP widely known for its outspoken Reformatory tradition and approach.